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Understanding Fractures: Causes, Types, and First Aid Treatment
Fractures are medical conditions in which a bone is broken or cracked. They can result from various factors, such as trauma, overuse, or sports injuries, ranging from minor cracks to complete breaks.
Types of Fractures
- Simple or closed fractures: The bone is broken, but the skin remains intact.
- Compound or open fractures: The bone and skin are broken, exposing the bone.
- Comminuted fractures: The bone is broken into several pieces.
- Greenstick fractures: The bone is partially broken but not entirely, most common in children.
- Spiral fractures: The bone is twisted or has a spiral shape.
Symptoms of Fractures
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Difficulty moving the affected limb
- Deformity of the limb
First Aid Treatment for Fractures
- Call for medical help: Seek immediate medical attention for suspected fractures.
- Keep the person still: Prevent further damage by keeping the person as still as possible.
- Apply direct pressure: If bleeding, apply pressure to the wound to help stop blood flow.
- Provide comfort: Help the person find a comfortable position and offer emotional support.
- Splint the limb: Use a firm, flat material to immobilise the limb and prevent further damage.
- Use a sling: Place an arm in a horizontal sling for comfort and support.
- Call an ambulance: If unable to transport the person by car, call an ambulance and provide the necessary information.
Acting promptly and providing appropriate first aid care for fractures can minimise complications and facilitate a quicker recovery.
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