Elevated Sling

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1 min 9 sec
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Applying an Elevated Sling for Arm Injuries

An elevated sling is useful for securing an injured arm in an elevated position to reduce blood flow, particularly when an arm has been cut. It can also be used to immobilize an arm in one position.

When to Apply an Elevated Sling

Once a dressing has been applied to the arm and there is no blood coming through it, an elevated sling can be applied before transporting the patient to the hospital.

Steps to Apply an Elevated Sling

  1. Position the arm across the body.
  2. Remove the sling from its packaging and tie a knot in the 90-degree corner.
  3. Place the knot on the outside of the affected arm and position one of the points of the sling on the shoulder.
  4. Tuck the other point under the arm and secure it to the back, ensuring the affected hand is fully covered and the material is tucked under the hand.
  5. Leave the thumb exposed to check for a capillary refill, ensuring there is blood flow to the hand.

Transporting the Patient to Emergency Services

Once the elevated sling is applied, carefully transport the patient to the emergency services. If the patient is seated, allow them to stand up slowly to prevent fainting.