Dealing with Bleeds

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2 min 53 sec
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Managing Bleeding in First Aid Situations

Bleeding can occur from various parts of the body and can be life-threatening or distressing for both the patient and the first aider. Remain calm and trust your training when handling bleeding.

Initial Steps for Controlling Bleeding

Before treating any type of bleeding, always put on gloves to protect yourself and the patient. Apply direct pressure over the wound to control the bleeding and assist in the clotting process.

Using Pressure Bandages

Apply a pressure bandage to cuts, ensuring it is sterile and within its expiry date. The dressing is applied distally, meaning furthest away from the heart and towards the body, to avoid forcing blood past the injury site.

Embedded Objects

If an object is embedded in the body, do not remove it. Instead, apply direct pressure with a gloved hand and sterile gauze over the wound.

Positioning the Patient

Sit or lay the patient down, whichever is most comfortable for them, to reduce the risk of injury from fainting.

Calling for Help

If the bleeding is severe, call for an ambulance or ask a bystander to do so.

Checking Circulation and Addressing Shock

After applying a dressing, check circulation by squeezing a fingertip to observe capillary refill. If the patient shows signs of shock, lay them down and elevate their legs if possible.

Adapting Techniques for Different Cuts

These techniques can be adapted for cuts on other parts of the body. For cuts on the torso, apply direct pressure using the dressing pad until the bleeding is controlled or bandage it in place.